18th March 2024: Dear Friends of Saola

10th November 2023
Dear Friends of Saola
We trust those who joined our seminar with Vatsana last month found it exciting and informative. Now, we are delighted to bring you another engaging experience with another Lao woman working on wildlife conservation, Saturday, March 23 (see local times and registration link below).
Prepare for an unprecedented glimpse into one of nature’s most elusive marvels, the Clouded Leopard, with trailblazing biologist Dr. Akchousanh Rasphone. She will pull back the veil on these solitary cats of Southeast Asia’s dense forests and, from her own field research in Laos, explore the Clouded Leopard’s extraordinary adaptations, finely-tuned hunting strategies, and enigmatic social behaviors. But behind the mystique lies a harsh reality, with deforestation, poaching, and a diminishing prey base threatening their survival. Dr. Rasphone offers an impassioned call to protect vital habitat, partner with local communities to combat poaching, and ensure sustainable prey populations, so that Clouded Leopards can remain a marvelous part of the forest.

Dr. Rasphone has nearly 20 years of experience in wildlife conservation in Laos. Her expertise lies in field research, biodiversity monitoring, GIS and biostatistical modelling. Her passion lies in learning about an animal’s ecology and using the knowledge for effective conservation. For the WCS Lao Program, she led wildlife research across various sites in the country. In her current role as Conservation Director at WWF-Laos, she focuses at present on conservation of the Asian Giant Softshell Turtle and the Asian elephant.
In 2019, she completed her Ph.D. in Zoology from Oxford University, with research in northern Laos on interactions between wild felids, such as the Clouded Leopard, and Dholes.
“Into the Realm of the Clouded Leopard: A Conservationist’s Quest”, with Dr. Akchousanh Rasphone, live on Saturday, March 23, at these local times; register here.
07:00 am US Pacific
08:00 am US Mountain
09:00 am US Central
10:00 am US Eastern
14:00 London
15:00 most of continental Europe
21:00 Vientiane/Hanoi/Bangkok
22:00: Singapore/Beijing/Hong Kong/Taipei
Hope to see you there!
– The Saola Foundation Team
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