A Saola for the Holidays Holiday Auction (announcement)
Have you ever dreamed of getting up close to a saola? Here’s a chance to hold one in your hand…
Brent Huffman is a man of diverse talents – Lead Keeper of Mammals at Toronto Zoo, founder of the website Ultimate Ungulate (http://www.ultimateungulate.com/), and an accomplished knitter. He’s also a passionate supporter of saola conservation, and he has made and donated to the Saola Foundation some remarkable knitted Saolas, to help raise support for our work.
We are offering you the opportunity to take one of these exquisite saolas home – and by doing so, help conserve the real saola. It’s also a chance to put something very special under (or on!) the Christmas tree for a loved one this year!
We are delighted to offer three of Brent’s original saola artworks, through a holiday virtual auction, as a fund-raiser for the Saola Foundation. With wonderful attention to authentic detail, each saola measures 18 cm (7 inches) long x 10 cm (4 inches) tall at the withers.

Here’s how the auction works, it’s simple:
Choose your saola, enter your information and submit your bid on our website, here:
www.saolafoundation.org/holiday-auction. Bidding progress can be tracked live, so bid as many times as you like! If you wish to remain anonymous, enter an alias (just be sure to fill in the confidential Bidder Information Form, which takes only a moment, so we can contact you if you post a winning bid).
Given the hours and craftsmanship devoted by Brent to each of these creations, and the challenge ahead in saving Saola, minimum bid is US$100.
Bidding closes at 11:59 PM GMT (London, UK) on Saturday, December 12th.
For successful bidders in the United States, we guarantee delivery of your saola by Christmas. If in another country, we will do our best for Christmas delivery. Or you will have the option of personal delivery, post-Covid, by Saola Foundation President Bill Robichaud or CEO Lorraine Scotson. We’ll take good care of your saola until then!
It may not be easy to see a saola in the wild, but here’s a chance to welcome one into your home. All for a good cause!