Holiday Wishes, Holiday Auction Results

The Saola Foundation for Annamite Mountains Conservation was launched in September of this year. Our first, urgent mission is to find the remaining saolas in the wild – an essential step in saving them. This will be a key contribution to the One Plan Approach endorsed by the IUCN Saola Working Group.
Our work will also benefit the spectacular array of other threatened species unique to the Annamite Mountains of Lao PDR and Vietnam.
We are thrilled to be underway, yet we can’t do it alone. Successful saola conservation will take many of us working together. Please learn how you can help at:
Holiday auction results
We are delighted to report that the auction of Brent Huffman’s knitted saolas raised more than $1,000 for saola conservation! Many thanks to all who participated, and congratulations to the winning bidders: Sally Benson & Steve Nichols, Gary Galbreath, and Ellen Wieczorek. Care and feeding suggestions for your adopted saola will be included in its shipment…
As the world leaves the challenges of 2020 behind, we at the Saola Foundation wish you an abundance of health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021.