Saola Tracks #3: Strides Forward – Board Update, Engaging with Partners, News from Our Supporters
Since the Saola Foundation’s birth and public launch in September, we have seen overall excellent progress in building our organization. The generous support of many of you has made this possible.
Board Update
The Chair of our Board of Directors, Matt Hayden, has been a force in guiding the Foundation to a solid, professional footing. He recently had to step down to care for his ill wife, Kass, who has since passed away. We wish Matt and his family well, and are indebted to him for the wisdom and attention he brought to the Foundation during his tenure. Matt has generously offered to continue as an informal advisor to our executive team, something that we’ve already been making use of.
We are very pleased to announce that Board member Steve Burns, Director of Utah’s Hogle Zoo and a leading voice for conservation, has been elected as the Foundation’s new Board Chair. Going forward, recruitment of additional Board members will help fill the void left by Matt’s departure, and complement the sound skill set and experience of the current Board as we continue to pursue excellence in 2021.
Engaging with Partners
Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC). ASAP is an alliance of conservation organizations with the collective aim of focusing urgent conservation attention on species most at risk of extinction in Southeast Asia. ASAP recently accepted the Saola Foundation as one of its newest partners, and we are honored to be part of this important initiative.
IUCN SSC Saola Working Group (SWG). We continue to coordinate with the SWG to ensure maximum, synergistic benefit of both organizations’ efforts to save the Saola. In particular, the Saola Foundation looks forward to coordinating with and supporting the efforts of various partners, including the SWG, in the search for surviving Saolas in the forests of Lao PDR.
News from our Supporters
- The Maue Kay Foundation, one of our founding donors, has now adopted the Saola Foundation as one its core projects. You can read more at: We are deeply grateful for MKF’s ‘vote of support’ for the Saola Foundation and our conservation mission.
- We recently received a substantial donation of 10,000 euros from Wroclaw Zoo in Poland. Wroclaw Zoo’s Director, Radoslaw Ratajszczak, first did wildlife surveys in Vietnam in the 1980s, not long after the end of the Vietnam War. Wroclaw’s support to the Saola Foundation is the latest step in a larger commitment – for several years now, Radoslaw has guided Wroclaw Zoo to support the conservation of Saola and other wildlife in the Annamite Mountains.
- We are delighted to announce receipt of a major grant made jointly by the conservation organization Synchronicity Earth, based in London, and Wildlife Reserves Singapore. Their joint grant will fund for the coming year the position of the Saola Foundation’s Lao Program Director. This position will be filled by our long-time colleague and a true champion of Saola, Chanthasone Phommachanh, a.k.a., Olay. While an undergraduate student more than ten years ago, Olay did his first fieldwork in the Annamite Mountains with Saola Foundation President Bill Robichaud. Olay will oversee the preparation and implementation of all Saola Foundation fieldwork in Lao PDR. He will also be a key point of liaison with local Lao government authorities in the Saola’s range, and other conservation partners in Lao PDR.

-Thanks to the very generous response to our seed funding campaign, we have also been able to contract Rob Timmins as the Saola Foundation’s Technical Director (50% time). It is likely that in the last 25 years Rob has conducted wildlife surveys in more areas of Lao PDR, Vietnam and Cambodia than any person alive. He has been involved in the discovery of many new species in the Annamite Mountains, including the Annamite Striped Rabbit, whose scientific name, Nesolagus timminsi, honors its discoverer. Initially, Rob will focus on leading design of the Saola Foundation’s comprehensive, two-year, science-based search for the remaining Saolas in Lao PDR.
The additions of Olay and Rob, who form our Technical Team, are exciting developments, completing the Saola Foundation’s core team of Executive and Technical staff. Within a matter of months, the Saola Foundation for Annamite Mountains Conservation has advanced from a concept to a fully functioning organization, poised to make significant contributions to saving the Saola. We are indebted to everyone’s faith and support!
Next Tuesday, December 1, is “Giving Tuesday”. We won’t be adding to the flow of appeals in your inbox, but as always your support, especially now to build on our promising momentum, will be deeply appreciated: