Upcoming Events: Endangered: Short Tales for the Nearly Forgotten, Why Saola still exists, and how to find them (announcement)
Dear Friends of Saola,
This month, a group of award-winning actors in collaboration with Los Angeles Zoo, the University of Montana, and the environmental news website Mongabay launched a new podcast, “Endangered: Short Tales for the Nearly Forgotten.” The program celebrates species that are highly threatened yet little known. It is written, directed and produced by Emmy-nominee Graham Sibley, who starred in “Dark Web” and “Sully”, among many other projects. The episodes are produced with kids in mind, but also hold appeal for adults, with creative, narrative storytelling and facts about each featured animal species.
Saola will be featured in a new episode this Friday, May 28. To listen and to learn more, visit:

Next, please join us Saturday, June 5 for a fascinating and free, live Saola Foundation webinar, “Why Saola still exists, and how to find them”. The program will feature our technical team of Rob Timmins (Technical Director) and Chanthasone Phommachanh (aka ‘Olay, Lao Programs Director.). Please see below for your local time.
Rob and Olay bring an extraordinary depth of field experience in the forests of the Saola’s range. Olay will start the session with a look at the status of Saola in Lao, presenting the evidence of continued presence of Saola in the wild there. Rob will follow with a discussion of how we will find the surviving Saolas – how to solve the ‘needle in a haystack’ challenge so that they can be saved.
The program will last about 90 minutes, with time for questions. The program is free, but registration is required, which you can do HERE
See you then!
Local times for “Why Saola still exists, and how to find them”:
United States and Canada:
Pacific: 8:30 am
Mountain: 9:30 am
Central: 10:30 am
Eastern: 11:30 am
United Kingdom (GMT+1): 16:30
most of continental Europe: 17:30
Lao/Vietnam/Thailand: 22:30
Singapore: 23:30